::::::: South Korean Conceptual Artist


works 1990-1998

"태초의 땅" 아크릴, 먹, 과슈, 표백제, 천 250x160cm 1990-92
"The beginning of the earth " Korean ink,acryl,chloride on cloth



"태초의 땅" 아크릴, 먹, 과슈, 표백제, 천 220x160cm 1990-92
"The beginning of the earth " Korean ink,acryl,chloride on cloth 1990-92




 "태초의 땅" 아크릴, 먹, 과슈, 표백제, 천 185x160cm 1990-92
"The beginning of the earth " Korean ink,acryl,chloride on cloth




"태초의 땅" 아크릴, 먹, 과슈, 표백제, 천 260x160cm 1990-92





acryl on paper 25x25cm 1992




acryl on paper 25x22cm 1992




acryl on paper 25x22cm 1992



 "나무 a tree" oil on paper 70x100cm 1998


 "나무 a tree" oil on paper 70x100cm 1998


 "나무 a tree" oil on paper 70x100cm 1998



1990-92 "태초의 땅"

이 씨리즈는 4점을 동시에 펼쳐놓고 완성하는데 3년이 걸린 작품이다. 브라질 쌍빠울에 2년간 머물면서 여행했던 동안은 이 땅의 광활함과 대단한 줄로만 알았던 나의 하찮음을 뼈저리게 느끼게 해준 시기였다. 비행기로 가도가도 끝없이 이어지는 아마존강. 그곳의 어느 인디안 추장과 작은 부락민들과의 짧았지만 잊을 수없는 무언의 시간(순간),페루의 마츄피츄의 유적의 경이로움이나, 브라질과 콜롬비아, 파라구아이 등이 함께 공유하는 이과수 폭포 등의 스케일 등 그런 경험들은 그렇지 않아도 "나"의 표현에 의미를 갖지 못했던 당시에 "만들어내는 작품, 즉 아무리 '무작위성'을 표방해도 인위적일 수 밖에 없는 표현"에 대한 깊은 회의를 갖게 되었다.그래도 표현해야 하는 모순 사이에서 맹물로 수없이 보이지 않는 흔적을 그 속에 남기기도 했다. 결국 그 후에 검은색 나는 먹과 아크릴 물감을 겹겹이 바르고 씻어내는 일을 반복하면서 3년이 지났다. 제3 갤러리에서의 개인전 일정이 안잡혔으면 그 기간이 얼마나 더 길어졌을 지는 알 수 없었을 것이다.

1992 "드로잉"
"태초의 땅"씨리즈와 함께 전시했던 작품 중 일부가 나머지 3점이다. 그중에서도 무의식적으로 등장한 형태 중에 많이 나온 것이 뒤에 있는 두 점이다. 바라보는 사람에 따라 '우산','비행기','히피 마크', '사람' 등등 각각으로 해석하기도 한다.

1998 "나무"

The series of "The Biginning of the Earth" 1990-92

This series are composed with four works. I had been working them hanging on the wall together for 3 years. For two years of staying in São Paulo, Brazil, I had been traveling around Amazon, Iguasu, Machupichu Peru and so on... As those experiances, I realized triviality of myself and my artificial techniques and intellectual thoughts. Nevertheless..., I could not but paint... So as I brushed with only pure water again and again and again, then I left so many traces disappeared. And then, as repeating of brushing in black color, which was thought spiritual color for a long time in Korea,and washing out with water, three years had passed. 

The series of "Tree" 1998 were self-portraits. 


2020. 12. 23. 11:58